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Interview  for  Japanese online store:

“Sometimes, even a blind chicken finds a kernel of corn.” / “目が見えない鶏でもコーンを見つける”

When did you start Blind chic? / いつBlind Chicを始めたの?

Julia: Basically we started the brand about a year ago. We met on a bicycle trip last summer. The trip was part of a huge adventure and film project, called Cycle Me Home, about a guy who cycled home from Madrid to Budapest. Many people joined the base crew throughout Europe, as we did in Ljubljana, too.

ジュリア:ブランドを始めたのはだいたい一年前ね。わたしたちは去年の夏に自転車旅行で初めて会ったの。その自転車旅行っていうのは「Cycle Me Home」っていうフィルムプロジェクトの一部でね、マドリッドからブダペストまで自転車で帰る男の話なんだけど。わたしたちがリュブリャナ(※スロベニアの首都)で参加したみたいに、ヨーロッパ中でたくさんの人が参加した大きなプロジェクトよ。

Let me know yourself. / ふたりのことを教えてください

Neza: I am originally from Ljubljana, Slovenia. After the trip I got invitation from Juli to move to Budapest to join her in the design studio she shared with an other girl, so in September, when I finished my studies on interactive design, I decided to leave everything behind and move to Hungary.
Julia: We both started to work on our own stuff, when the idea came to make a special roll-top bag for urban cyclists. That was the moment when the 1st Wolf pack was born. We made a lot of test models and little by little the final version has been created. We had really similar style, interests, profession, and of course, the passion about bikes and cycling, so it was decided: we started the brand Blind Chic on the 1st of December, 2011. It means, there will be soon an anniversary and a special limited edition for the occasion.
ジュリア:それでわたしたちは自分たちのものつくりを始めた。それから「街乗りサイクリストのためのロールトップバッグ」を作ろうっていうアイディアを思いついて。それが最初のバックパック が生まれた瞬間。たくさんのテストモデル制作を少しづつ重ねていって、ついに最終バージョンができたというわけ。わたしたちは本当に似たもの同士だったわ。興味や専門、自転車やサイクリングに対するパッションはもちろんね。それでこう決めたの。「Blind Chicというブランドを2011年の12月1日に立ち上げる」んだってね。つまりまもなく一周年になるってことね。なので、記念の限定版グッズを出すつもりです。

What is the meaning of the brand name? / Blind Chicの名前の由来は?

Julia: I guess that is the most interesting question for everyone. The name came from a previously made T-Shirt design print, I made for a friend years ago. We always had this sceptic feeling about the whole fashion industry and all in all fashion, so we had been thinking about a name which involves a contradiction in the nameノsomething against the trends, fashion and chic. But, the name also refers to serendipity, our background history, how we met. This saying refers to it: “Sometimes, even a blind chicken finds a kernel of corn.”
ジュリア:それはほかのみんなにとっても一番興味深い質問かも。Blind Chicっていう名前はもともと以前に友だちのために作ったTシャツのデザインから来てるんだけれど。わたしたちはいつもすべてのファッション産業やファッションそのものについて何か疑いみたいなものを持っていて、トレンドやファッションやシックといったものに対してのアンチになるブランド名にしようと考えてたの。でもブランド名って、セレンディピティやわたしたちのこれまでのバックグラウンド、どうやってわたしたちが出会ったかなんてことにも関係することでしょ。それについて言及しているこんなことわざがあって。「いつか目の見えない鶏(Blind Chicken)でもコーンの種を見つける」。

Who creates the bags? / 誰がバッグを作っているの?

Julia: We have been sewing the bags, and still making some parts, mostly custom orders and developments. Usually we share all the tasks for the different processes of the making, but since we have to deal with all the rest to keep the brand and the company alive (design, purchasing, production, marketing, salesノ) we needed some help. So now, there is also a local help in Budapest, where the basic models are taken over by some precise and fast hands.

When you find your way in life, you know you have to step on it. / 人は自分の生き方を自分で見つけるしかない

What is your motivation for making the bags? / バッグづくりのモチベーションは?

Julia: Probably some people know what I am talking about, but when you find your way in life, you know you have to step on it, there is no other choice. Designing and making the ideas real and not lastly communicate them visually and verbally is how we can express what we know and what we love to do. Visually dedicated – creative people, like us, have an accumulating process in our mind: breathing a lot of visual experience every day, that we have to release somehow. That could be some kind of a motivation, for simply being healthy.
But of course, when you give a shape to your ideas, and it turns out the way you wanted and people like it, and appreciate it, and not lastly wear it, that make us happy.
At the same time, we are not just making bags, or designing but also managing everything, which keeps the brand alive. All the small components create a real experience. Since we started, throughout Blind Chic., we got to know many-many new people, with whom we could share our passion (design and cycling) and experiences, learn a lot from them and preparing for the next step. These moments are priceless!
それと同時に、わたしたちはバッグをつくるだけ、デザインをするだけでなく、ブランドをやっていくためにすべてのことをやりくりしているわ。すべての小さな積み重ねがリアルな経験をつくるってこと。Blind Chicを始めてから、それを通してたくさんの人たちと知り合った。彼らとはデザインやサイクリングに対するパッションや様々な経験をシェアできたし、次のステップへの準備に対してたくさん学ぶこともできた。これはプライスレスね!

What is your experience about making the bags? / これまでバッグ作りの経験は?

Neza: I created my own label about 5-6 years ago, called Embrace Softgoods, designing and making small bags and pouches, mostly for friends at the beginning. After a while it started to became really popular in the slovenian scene. But after we started Blind Chic. I didn’t have any spare time to keep up with both. So, basically my sewing skills and bag-making experience is mostly self-taught. My higher degree is more related to graphic design and visual communication, such as video and photography.
ネッサ:わたしは5~6年前から自分のレーベル「Embrace Softgoods」でバッグづくりをしてました。小さなバッグやポーチよ。最初は友だち用に作っていたんだけど、しばらくしたらスロベニアですごい人気になり始めて。でもBlind Chicを始めたら、両方やる余裕が全然なくなってしまったの。基本的にわたしのソーイングスキルとバッグづくりはほとんどが独学。学位はグラフィックデザインとビジュアルコミュニケーションよ。ビデオとか写真なんかね。
Julia: I was studying spanish philology and art in Hungary, then I moved to Denmark, where I graduated as a fashion and textile designer, so I was actually professionally educated to be a designer, but before and meanwhile I was also sewing in my free time. Later I was working for a fashion label in Madrid, so I gained experience also about how business and production work.

What kind of people who love your bags? / どんな人たちがBlind Chicのバッグのファンなのかな?

Julia: Primarily we targeted the urban cyclist (15-50), who does care about what she/he wears, while riding the bike. It means that when they think about purchasing a bag they consider both the functional and esthetic factors. Later, it turned out that the majority of our customers do not just belong to this community but also to all kinds of creative scenes, such as graphic designers, product designers, artists, musicians, photographers and even actors.

What am I supposed to explain about the bags to those who don’t know actual Blind chic bags? / Blind Chicのバッグを知らない人たちにこのバッグをなんて説明したらいいかな?

Julia: Our main purpose was to create some kind of a combination of design, functionality and esthetics on our own way. At the same time the brand offers a certain way of communication from a personal perspective. Since we are part of the cycling culture and know the people who belong to it, we can always reflect about what they need, how to develop it and how to communicate.
The bags are technical but still keeping the spirit of the authentic streetwear, being simple, still functional. The products include functional details as to material and accessories, but as to the look it is simple and minimal. We aim to use as much natural materials as we can, and that is why the waxed cotton canvas became our primer fabric, because it is highly durable, waterproof and made out of 100% natural cotton. All the bags are handmade carefully, precisely with muscles and love!
バッグ自体は技術的なものだけど、オーセンティックなストリートウェアのスピリットも忘れてない。シンプルだけど機能性もある。素材や付属物に関しては機能的なディテールを含んだ製品だけど、見た目はシンプルでミニマル。それとできるだけナチュラルな素材を使おうとしているから、ファブリック素材には耐久性があってウォータープルーフで100%ナチュラルコットンでできたワックス・コットン・キャンバス地を使うことにしてる。 すべてのバッグはハンドメイドで注意深く作られているわ。ちゃんと人の手と愛情でね!

Both the computer and the internet are the best to take attention away from real work and losing time. / コンピュータもインターネットも本来の作業から注意を背けさせるし、時間がもったいない。

Do you have any interest except making the bags? / バッグづくり以外の関心ごとってなにかある?

Julia: Well, it is hard to remember the last moment when we had enough time for hobbies, but we are lucky enough to enjoy our first one every day, which is definitely cycling. Our studio is located 10 km-s away from where we live, so we have to ride average 20-30 km/day – not bad, isn’t it?

I love sweets and cakes, so no surprise that I love cooking and baking. When time lets me to relax a bit, I try to do it through my drawings, graphics and embroidery, or finding the closest swimming pool and get over 1500 meters. Traveling is one of my main addiction, and I used to travel a lot – right now it is difficult to get away, but if we do so, it’s mostly about business travels, meanwhile we can get some fresh air,inspiration and new experiences, and of course, getting to know more and more cycling communities around Europe.

ジュリア:そうね……最後に趣味に十分な時間を使えたのはいつだったかもう思い出せないくらいだけど、でもラッキーなことに毎日十分楽しんでいるとも云えるわね。もちろんサイクリングのことよ。わたしたちのスタジオはわたしたちが住んでいるところから10Kmくらいのところにあるから、毎日20~30Kmくらいは自転車に乗ってる計算になるわね。わるくないでしょ? わたし自身はスイーツやケーキが大好きだから、料理やケーキづくりも好きだってヘンじゃないわよね。あとは少しリラックスできる時間ができたら、絵を描いたり、デザインをしたり刺しゅうをしたり。近くのプールで1500mくらい泳いだりもする。それと旅がわたしのメインの楽しみのひとつだからたくさんの場所に行ったわ。今ではここを離れるのは難しくなってしまったけれど、でももしそれができるのなら、フレッシュな空気、インスピレーション、新しい経験を得られるでしょうね。もうビジネスのための出張ばかりになってしまったけど。あともちろん、ヨーロッパ中のサイクリングコミュニティをもっともっと知ること。

Neza: My roots came from graphic design and visual communication, so if time allows me, I like to create some graphic, poster, something inspirational for myself. One of my favorite communication tool is still video, so I try to carry my camera everywhere with me, and catch some inspiring moments of our lives. When I later put everything together and I accompany it with some music, i basically try to tell the story in a way, that someone would experience it, as she or he would have been there with us.


What kind of place is Hungary? What about Hungarian people? / ハンガリーってどんなところ? ハンガリー人ってどんな人?

Julia: It’s always really difficult to look our nation from the outside. I was always really curious about how hungarian language sounds for foreigners, because it is not familiar with any other language. I think I would rather suggest to everyone to come and see what It is like to be here and what Hungary can offer – so they can create their own opinion. One thing is sure, we are famous for our hospitality, amazing gastronomy, breathtaking capital and not lastly, the spas. The cycling community is increasing each year, and the culture around it as well.


Neza: Well Budapest is definitely an amazing city, there is so much stuff to do and you are never bored. Young people are extremely outgoing, they like to socialize in public places, bars, cultural institutes, participate in different events. There is so much to see, so much to visit. There is always some concert to go, exhibitions to see, events to attend, and you will always meet new interesting people there.


What is your typical daily life? / あなたたちの典型的な1日ってどんなの?

Julia: Our daily life usually starts pretty early, with a cup of coffee and answering the mails, running the communication on social networks. Then we either go for the purchasing routes around the city, to the post or straight to the studio. We try to arrange almost all the internet and computer related tasks before studio work, so we don’t need to take laptops there. Both the computer and the internet are the best to take attention away from real work and losing time. We do have to be careful and smart when it’s time to organize our daily routine, since we are responsible for everything at the company.

Depending on the season, or special events and orders, but if it is not that busy period, we leave the studio around 18-19:00. At home, we usually jump on the computers to check the mails again, or going through on our favorite blogs and websites to feed our eyes and ears before the night. In the evening, if we don’t fall dead tired in the bed, then it is usually time to have some social or cultural interaction: going to exhibitions, concerts, having a beer with friends or going cycling with the bike community.



Please tell me your today’s playlist! / 今日のプレイリストを教えてください

    1. Gil Scott – Hero and Jamie XX – I’ll Take Care Of You

    2. Alt-J – Dissolve Me

    3. Bon Iver – Calgary

    4. Of Monsters and Men -Dirty Paws

    5. Bat For Lashes – Daniel

    6. Sia – Death by Choclate

    7. Asaf Avidan & the Mojos – One Day (Wankelmut Remix)

    8. Bonobo – The Fever

    9. Mount Kimbie – Before I Move Off

    10. Alle Farben – Luminous Green

What is the future plan of Blind chic? New products? / Blind Chicの今後の予定は? 新しい商品は?

Julia: Our next step is to create a new collection, which will include smaller bags, bike accessories, developed models and a surprise product. We are constantly working on several projectsノwe are not really keen on following the old-fashioned way of preparing one collection for each season. We have a lot of collaborations & projects going on, and some limited edition bags. The result of our next collaboration with the Partisan team ( will be launched soon.